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Know all about coding : Websites for beginners

"Education is training of brain on how to think, not learning of facts. -Albert."

Hola! I have been coding for approximately 9 years now and do i know it all to do it by myself? No, no one actually does. Everyone learns on the way and it stays like that almost forever. Honestly, its not even humanly possible to remember each tag/command/method when you are coding bilingual. I have always been a self-taught person in most of the areas in my life, including my very dear programming. Other than books, these communities have really helped me a lot. So, i'm listing down few websites that can help you start with coding( if you are a beginner) or help you with advance debugging( if u r already on it!).

  • StackOverFlow

    This is basically a programmer's very own google. Stack over flow is the largest programming community across the globe, created by Jeff Atwood and Joel Spolsky in 2008. Whatever you want to know, someone might have already posted the query and you'll be directed to the answers to that post. This is my cult favorite and has worked for me in most cases. It resolves queries of all kinds of programming languages and is available in Spanish, Russian, Portuguese and Japanese.
  • W3Schools

    The best bet for NewBie of programming world. Owned by Refsnes Data , it was launched in 1998. W3School contains very helpful tutorials HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, JSON, Python, AngularJS, SQL, BootStrap, Node.js, AJAX, XML, jQuery and Xquery. So, your initial coding schooling will be done by this, just as by the name goes. I used it when i was trying my hand on website building and found it just perfect.
  • GitHub

    A repository for coding projects of all kinds. One of the most used website for developers to showcase their code collection. Currently owned by Microsoft, proves to be the world's largest community to build, discuss and share better software. I suggest you signup for this and keep your projects live and you can thank me later. This will help you in a lot of ways, from getting to know more things by recommendations on your your own code piece to leaving a legacy in real time through your code. This will also help you secure a gracious position in coding industry as your move forward.
  • CodeProject

    It's a great community for programmers to share and advance their knowledge. It offers vast data on web development and software development. Its free of cost and is another sweet alternative when you are looking to resolve a specific issue and google-ing doesn't provide a direct answer. Basically, its a great network website for computer programmers. It also provides independent code which can be downloaded by users.
  • Quora

    A question and answer website worth one billion usd as per date. It has very simple yet interactive interface which keeps the user hooked by offering similar genre questions as the user asks. User can ask questions, provide answers, upvote/downvote answers etc. Quora has a specific community for programmers and holds a huge database of solutions. This company has dedicated employees to answer as well as people from across the globe can join and provide solutions as well. A great community for almost all kinds of knowledge shares/ seekers. It is now available in English, Hindi, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Japanese, Indonesian and Portuguese.
  • Reddit

    It's a social news website. Personally, i have used it quite a few times and its pretty avrage to me but a lot of my fellow coders seem to really like this one.Try it for yourself to see what interests you. It curates news according to your interests and basically feels like a personal reporter. It exists  since 2005 and has a lots of discussion portals for programmers to connect. It has been among the top websites influencing u.s. population.
  • CodeCall

    A great programming forum for discussions and networking with fellow coders. Includes different forum for all general languages (programming + web development), Q&A s, tutorials and much more. A dark themed website with neatly organised content. It gets you hooked on the content as you get to involve/ network with like minded people on your favorite topics. It also has special pages for Game development and Android chat codes. Although the ads are a lil annoying but i have enjoyed the engaging content so far.

Hoping this motivated you a bit for your next coding project. Share your views in comment section below! Also, let me know which sources you prefer while coding. Sending you lots of passionate positive vibes and wishes for a happy programming session.

Stay Curious,


  1. thankx for your insight on coding.

  2. Its good to voleenters like Ritika for the institutes... Great work


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