Anyways,😌 Things are slowly getting normal on some portions of this blue marble ball while some already have new normals normalized.
In the east, Some islands are drowning in debt while some islands look like a 🐈 pet/plant parenthood wave 🥬with Work-from-Home cocktail sips of a slower living. In the west, Some pieces of land suspect a 💣 raging game of musical chairs while some suspected this party boring and are already pointing their getaway car to martian perchlorated-soil. 👽
Amidst all of it, is a clan of humans undivided by the invisible frequencies of the internet who just wants to stay in their bed and earn their right to bend their minds and neck freely.

So, this seems to be a time where brains 🧠can be directed to enter the programming clan or revisit a coding phase. Either way, following resources come handy. These are some of my picks of online programming resources from the big internet world. GO! Make code-from-home island proud.
- LinkedIn Learning
- Codeademy
- TreeHouse
- Free Code Camp
- edX
- Tutorials Point
- DataCamp
- W3schools
- Alison
- Hackreactor
- Khan academy
- Udacity
- Udemy
- Galvanize
- App Academy Open
- Bento.io
- Codewars
- Coursera
- Flatiron School Introductory Courses
- Founders & Coders
- GA Dash
- Hacker.io
- Insight Data Science
- Kenzie Free
- Makers Academy
- MIT OpenCourseware
- NodeSchool
- The Odin Project
- Practicum by Yandex
- Recurse Center
- Resilient Coders
- Revature
- Rithm School
- Sabio
- Digital Ocean
- Skillcrush’s Free Coding Bootcamp
- SoloLearn
- Learn X in Y minutes
- Home and Learn
Hoping this list helps you in some way. I tried to make it as neat as possible, still if errors may occur, well. Feel free to drop other resource links in the comment section to help fellow seekers. You can show some love by sharing this post with your friends. :)
Stay Sane!
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