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Running Late to College/work : Hacks

Hello guys! I'm here today with a post on College Hacks today.
No  matter how hard we try to always be on point, running late for college/work is one indispensable thing that we (well most of us) still need to overcome. Sometimes, the bed/weather is really cozy and sometimes the crazy hair/eyeliner behaviors. We all know the deal..okay!

It's better to arrive late Than ugly!

The quote in the picture rules my life( not entirely though..but yeah), but running late isn't always see! it defiantly makes you look unprofessional, careless and indisciplined.

I'm one of those girls who have to struggle with running late on most of the important occasions.So, I figured out few things that ALWAYS work for whenever I'm running late( which is like pretty much 90% of times). Now, Let's move on to the running late hacks that I know/ that worked for me( yes, I complied both) Happy reading!

Bright clothes/Bold makeup
    While you are still in your bed figuring out weather to slay the day or stay in it for 5 more minutes; just think about what do you want on yourself today( like a mood check) bold makeup or bright clothes. This will certainly reduce 50% of your time when you actually get up from bed and decide your outfit and this will also help you in narrowing your makeup decisions.

        Skip brushing your teeth
            Now, not like literally , all i'm saying is use a fluoride-rinse instead. Using a mouthwash instead of a complete brushing scenario when you are running super-duper or it's exam morning. Mouthwashes gives you instant rinse of freshness and that awake feeling.

              Face wipes
                Facewipes aren't just for removing makeup on lazy days guys... trust me they work amazingly well when you just wanna mop your face and attend that 9 am maths class anyhow, but you cant look like a homeless drug addict because your crush sits next to you. Use a cleansing wipe instead of a facewash (remember to be gentle,..its your skin) to dry -clean your face  and apply lip balm & mascara.. you are good to go girl in less than a minute! Facewipes come handy and they even work for boys.. and they are a savior in hostel(which often have lack of water supply in morning).

                  Revamp vanity
                    Never forget to pile up your vanity with multitasking products. Multitasking products save the money, time &  the space in your makeup box. Using bb creams which have sunscreen in them takes less than half of time which you would normally use to apply both of the products from separate tubes. These also flare me while travelling as you don't have to carry a bunch of products. 

                        Use starightning iron to iron outfits
                          Starightning iron mends cuffs and collars easily . This works amazingly well in winters when only the collars of your shirt are visible and rest of it will be covered by a sweater. You can get ready, put on your clothes and just before leaving iron your cuffs and collars with the starightning iron. this trick can also be used on a party outfit for a touch up before leaving, just like you give a touch up to your bangs.

                            Music helps
                              Here's the last one which will get music lovers into the groove right from the morning! To avoid running late in the morning, make a playlist that runs exactly as long as you have to get out the door. Challenge yourself to finish by the last song.

                              I'll keep updating this list as soon as I come up with stuff in relevance with this, share and comment below your reviews. I would love to consider your suggestions as my guidelines for better posts in the future, till then, let people stay amazed on how you amazing you are!

                              -with lots of love


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