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My new hair :Brunette to Platinum blonde

Hello readers, without any vauge intros..lemme just get you straight into the story.
Most of you already know how much I love experimenting with my looks and i'm always looking for new ways to feel a bit more crazier. After much contemplation I finally decided to make the move and get my mane a makeover. So, after going through infinite pictures on instagram, pintrest and considering the suggestions on snapchat ; I found a dreamy shade that would go well with my personality (some twist in story here, which you'll know after few blog posts :P) . Since , i'm in tricity right now it was a struggle to find the stylist who could do the perfect job.. One of my friend suggested me GlamZone . Glamzone is a startup in tricity having 4 branches. I discussed my requirements with the stylist and he assured  me that he will get the closest shade possible as desired. I took the leap of faith since any dissatisfaction from the color would have costed me chopping my long hair into short bob.
So, this was the process..

This is a picture of my hair before the transformation. I got a head massage done a day before the coloring session 'cz we all know hair are prone to dryness after chemical treatments. I used coconut oil and olive oil altogether and got my hair braided and kept it overnight. So, on the day of my appointment the very step was to remove all the oil (which was honestly, way too much :P ); they shampooed my hair for about thrice. 
Then, the pre-lightning session started. My hair went through chemical color stripping four times to get the shade around 10th level. 

The application was with ombre technique at the bottom combined with  few streaks at crown section using the salt and pepper technique. This helped in making the color feel more gradual and natural in my hair. I posted few selfies on snapchat of the whole process.. so my #snapchatfam already knows this :P This process took 4 hours ( yes! i had to sit on a chair with foil on my head for that long) but the staff was really cool and had impressive hospitality. 

Then after some snacks, drinks and lots of selfies , it was time for the foils to come off and surprise me :D . My stylist got the perfect shade he was expecting and directed his assistants to wash my hair. 

After successfully achieving the base shade of my hair , it was now time to apply the platinum tint.
Then, a beautiful hue was imparted in my hair using platinum hair dye. At this point, I was super curious to see my mane ..(also i was almost sleepy too so don't judge my half opened eyes)

Then the final wash was done after 45 minutes which revealed the perfect color I was aiming for. 
My face was filled with joy and stuffed with wide smiles.
My hair were a bit dry because of the extreme bleaching but I expected so (beauty is pain, u see). I didn't wanted to trim my hair at all but wanted the color so my rough split ends also had to survive through the process.

I got my hair styled in stunning curls and below are some snippets... enjoy! :)

Although the whole process took 6-7 hours and a lil damage I have nothing to complain for. I have been getting so many compliments post this change and i'm just obsessed with my hair now. My hair looks voluminous because of the lighter color. Comment below your thoughts and if u are planning to go for a bold hair color, lemme tell you , it will be all worth it ! :)

Stay beautiful!


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