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Fall Color Palette: My picks

Hey, Autumn is almost here and these are the colors that I am looking forward to more than the others this year:


Something about this hue has been on my mind for months now. Maybe its the 'brown is the new black' effect or just the grounding properties it reflects.

Midnight Blue:

The depth in this awakens my Scorpio intensity, its mystic, mesmerizing and brings out my eye color better. 

Viva Magenta:

Color of the year. Well, it's technically a mix between red & pink but best of both worlds, right?


Couple of years ago, I went on a walk wearing tan boots. The person accompanying me also wore the same colored boots. During the walk of matching footsteps I realized, hey! I kinda like this color now. I have thought about it every fall since then.

Forever Pink:

Just cz it is a 'fall color' post, doesn't mean I am going to leave pink from it. Pink stays! weather its in my wardrobe or on my mind. Do you know how hard it is to let go of a pink when its the right shade?

Well, like the trees let go of leaves, we must too eventually leave everything that needs to go. With this, I wish you a fresh sustainable wardrobe this fall. May your cocoa stay warm, lips hot and desire fire! Have a crispy Autumn.

Viele Grüße,


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